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I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. Here comes the updates.

Some people may get bored reading a blog about someone they do not know. I started this blog so that I can promote myself. In this generation of people and the tide pool of social media posts, likes, trolls, throwing shade at people for their opinions and such, it's hard to sell anything out there even when you try hard and even popularity hurts when people become jealous or hate on you because you are not what they are looking for. I had a lot to reflect on during this time and I was taking a break and I thought about what people like to read, how they like to judge, how they need to voice their opinions about anyone. Well, I am not such a person. I stay out of the opinions and those so called fact checkers who have to tell people how wrong they are. Why does the world seem like middle school? Since cell phones had cameras and ways to message, the world has become my middle school nightmare. It's not easy to just ignore the comments that are hurtful. We try and maybe some are good at that but the truth is, we all hate being shaded by someone. When I first started writing stories, I was afraid people would harshly judge me saying that I was a sappy writer. I feared I wouldn't be able to touch someone's heart with my books. But that wasn't the case. I received good reviews about my books even though I didn't sell a lot of them. I don't have the money to market myself and no agent will even get close to wanting to represent me. They say, it takes time. The attention span of this world is very short and no one buys books much or goes to the movie theaters anymore. Authors push the envelope by putting very graphic violence and sex in their books to gain  popularity. How many books you sell and how many likes you get or followers matters to the world and since their school days, they have been waiting for an opportunity like this their whole life. Maybe they were bullied in school and now that they are successful, their dream has come true. I come from the old school. I was in middle school in the 70's and I left high school because of the pressure to fit in, in 1979. I was sixteen and started writing a lot after I left school. It was always my dream to write books but I knew I would never be popular. I went through abuse in my home and I didn't have a lot of friends. So, I didn't grow up waiting for that opportunity to come, I just wanted to write and have others enjoy my books. I spend a lot of time trying to market myself and post things about my business. If I run an ad on KDP for a free eBook, I get lots of activity and people download my books. They say only old people buy paperback or hardback books and the younger generation likes eBooks. Not true, People are looking for excitement, that edge of your seat feeling, something they can relate to. I don't want to be like those other authors who are free to write what they feel the public wants. I write what matters, what motivates and touches a wounded heart. Unless you read my books, it's hard to explain. I am a storyteller, a poet if you will. I think people love storytellers like Taylor Swift, Billy Joel, Adele, and some who are just like them. I can't write lyrics to music like they can, but I can lyrically write a story and put a reader in the seat of what is going on. 

Think about when you were young. You see the times have changed, but have you? Maybe in some way you have bettered your life. You joined a gym, you eat cleaner, you take better care of yourself, you are in a good relationship, you made up with someone who hurt you. Whatever the reason, you did that on your own. And it's all good until you go on Tik Tok or Instagram and see what people post and they comment on your posts. Social media breaks down what we work hard for and it changes the way our brain thinks. As much as I hate using social media for business, this is the way the world is now. We cannot lose sight of who we are and what we made of ourselves when using this media to promote ourselves. Now, AI is taking over even for authors. We can change our original writings into something more polished and not our original words. Originality means everything to me and being fake is not who I am. Some people may like using this method of writing but it makes me think, what happened to humans doing hard work and seeing good for that? It seems like we have become lazy, addicted to our screens and scrolling until the late hours of the night. Many people like to troll, it makes them feel good to use the media to hurt others. For the record, I am not like that. The reason why I'm saying this about the world is because even though I use social media to advertise my books, because of the content and subject matter or the experience I have being an author, I can't get anyone to give my books a try or a rating. I can't figure out what is the public looking for but I'm learning. I've been told I can write very well, I'm good at it, and I know how to not to be wordy when it comes to characters having a conversation. I get to the real good parts of a story. So, if you decide you want to read my books, you won't be disappointed. I am not a person with a big voice. I don't get irritated at the person who cuts in line at the grocery store or the bank teller who makes a mistake when I'm trying to make a deposit. I'm not a tolerator but I am a person who loves peace. I am not like any other author out there. I perceive to be genuine and kind. I have dreams and I have goals. I wish to make the list of favorite authors or have them make a movie out of my books. It's okay to have that dream even if it doesn't come true. That is what motivates you to not give up.

We're seeing the world change before our eyes. The dollars matter more to people including doctors who get a special bonus for prescribing a drug that may not work and can make you sicker. I started healing myself with herbals and food supplements. Light exercise and eating clean. My ideal way of life is not to give up on anything. I did that during my younger years and I won't let anything overtake me again. My book business, my health, anything I go through will not bring me down. I will continue to write and produce books even if I think no one likes what I write. This is for me and I have to do what's best for me. But I also love my fanbase. These are the people who have messaged me about how creative I am and how much they love my collection. Some have given me five star ratings and beautiful comments. Tik Tok is not easy to promote books and I am not good at putting on a show to sell anything. I try but I need to work on this a little more.

So in closing, I feel like I am doing all I can to get my name and books out there. What more can I do? This isn't an easy world to live in or to please and getting to my goals is going to be challenging. I will keep on putting out more stories for the public to enjoy and someday, everyone will recognize my name.

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